Christy’s Angels are in the news!
With the Cancer Research Race for Life getting closer on the 28 June, our Christy’s Angels have been busy training and their story has been picked up by our local newspaper, The MK News.
Here is an extract from the article published on their website today:
The Angels are back – but this time with plenty of pink mesh, accessories and running shoes for the Milton Keynes Race for Life at the end of this month.
Christy’s Angels, Deborah Cross, Natasha Booluck, and Sandra Breeze, are donning their shoes and tutus at the 5k on Sunday, June 28.
Named after the company they work for, Christy Media Solutions, the trio have emphasised the importance of team spirit after all their lives being affected by cancer…
…Each Angel has her own experiences with the disease in their life so they hope to raise over £100 each for Cancer Research UK…. All are active and training is underway, but this year they are taking it at their own pace in their funky outfits….
Deborah said: “This is my first time dressing up for a race. I always think the people who do dress up add a lot more to the atmosphere. Hopefully, our colleagues from the office, family and friends will cheer us on next weekend.”
You can read the full article here.
You can support our ladies by donating on their team page: Just Giving