National Women in Engineering Day 2015
National Women in Engineering Day was set up in 2014 by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) to celebrate its 95th anniversary. After the success of the first event, raising awareness about engineering opportunities for women, this year’s event aims to provide a great opportunity for schools and organisations across the UK to promote gender equality in engineering by hosting their own engineering-related event or activity.
Through various events on the day, WES is seeking to raise awareness regarding the shortage of women engineers in the UK, and focus attention on opportunities for women in engineering, at a time when it has never been more important to address the engineering skills shortage.
Although women are not faced with the same legal pressures preventing them from becoming engineers as in post-World War Britain, there is a serious issue in how engineering is perceived. WES argues that encouraging girls into engineering careers will not only increase diversity and inclusion – a business imperative – but also enable employers to fill the substantial future job opportunities that have been predicted in the engineering sector.
As well as events around the UK, there is also a conference in London, “Women in Engineering: Are they returning to work?” on 23 June. For further details please follow the link below.
Women’s Engineering Society Get involved! Conference Details