

Our Principal Consultant, Deborah Cross will be taking part in the Buckingham 10k run on Sunday 13 October. Deborah is braving the predicted poor weather to raise money for BosumBuddiesUK...

BVE North 2013

Christy Media Solutions is proud to sponsor BVE North again this year. BVE North is a broadcast and production technology event in Manchester, providing broadcast professionals in the nor...

Photos from IBC 2013

More photos from our recent trip to the IBC exhibition in Amsterdam, double click on the image for the big version! 

Another successful IBC…

The Christy Media team have now returned from the IBC exhibition, thank you to everyone who came to visit our stand, we’ve had a very busy 5 days and it was great to catch up with so many...

2013 Contractor Survey

A recent survey of Pulse Umbrella contractors has revealed that: 85% of contractors would recommend contracting to a friend 72% are confident that there is continued demand for ...

BroadcastAsia 2013

Last week Christy Media Solutions attended the BroadcastAsia 2013 show in Singapore. Whilst the exhibition was smaller than IBC and BVE, we nevertheless enjoyed meeting up with people we ...