1 October: It’s File Delivery Day!
In September 2013 the Digital Production Partnership, an organisation formed to support collaboration in the UK TV industry on standards and practices in digital production, announced 1 October 2014 as ‘File Delivery Day’ – the date on which all the UK broadcasters, post-production companies, indies and programme makers would adopt the DPP common standard for the delivery of television programmes as digital files rather than on tape.
The date marks a major change in the way that TV programmes are delivered and broadcasters, post production facilities and manufacturers have spent the last year working together to make the change as smooth as possible.
The DPP has produced a number of informative documents which are available as downloads from their website, including advice for people working in production and post production. You can visit the DPP website to find out more via the button below.
The BBC Academy has also produced a variety of resources to help support the change and raise awareness and you can find more about these on their website.